Gathering my thoughts...

So far summer has not been awesome for my writing--as far as actual writing goes. I'm still four chapters into my new book (have been for a couple of months). Also, all editing has stopped on my other book.  I leave on another trip in a couple of weeks. After that things should slow down.

But, I've been thinking about my books a ton and have taken some time to do some recreational reading and spend time with the fam. And as far as I'm concerned that's all part of the process.

Another part of the process is just taking the time to observe. Recently, in my travels I've had the chance to absorb the details of so many interesting places and people. Adding to the arsenal. Images, thoughts and information to draw from. As writers, the more we experience the better!

In particular, I had "a moment" in a train station with a drunken and amorous Scot that gave me an idea for a character. The Scottish Highland tour and some of my other adventures in England gave me numerous story ideas that might turn into books someday. My brain was clickin'!

When I start writing again I have a terrific writing group who will give encouragement and awesome feedback. I feel fortunate to know so many people who "get it"-- that I share a passion and madness for writing with so many fabulous people-- including all of you. (=


Aurora Smith said…
hahaha. I love that comic.
Writing means both directions - pouring it out and taking it in.
And you could have fun with that drunken Scot character.
Unknown said…
I don't in general post specific links to my blog, but I want you to know that you're not alone.

And okay, selfishly maybe I'm hoping you can help me out with a problem I'm having with my current WIP.

Writing for me is a process that comes and goes like tides. I know some people sit down and write for an allotted time period every day ... I could NEVER do that. However, there are times I will write for 24 hours straight ... I'm not conventional, I guess ;)
Angela said…
What a blessing to have such support. :)
TS Hendrik said…
I think that's the way it works with a lot of us. You keep sponging up experience until it's ready to pour out onto the page.
Sarah Tokeley said…
I can so relate to this. It's so hard sometimes to explain that just because I'm not actually writing, I'm still working on my writing :)
Anonymous said…
It's important to travel and observe, so that we have things to write about. I get so many ideas for characters, atmosphere, and setting that way.

Have a great weekend.
Jemi Fraser said…
Love Calvin & Hobbes! :)

Watching people is one of my favourite hobbies! :)
Where are you off now globe trotter?=)
Bkloss said…
OOoo where you off to now??

Isn't it wonderful how our brains take in all sorts of information when we aren't expecting it? How awesome you are getting so many ideas! Your mind will be fresh once you get back to it.
(= California (my home state) and Oregon!
Valerie said…
Sounds like you had a great time!
The summer has not been great for my writing, either. I have, however, been taking lots of notes and thinking up lots of ideas. It's the writing that's the problem (rather, the finding of TIME to write). I decided to not be so hard on myself, though, and to consider summer a time to be laid back and just enjoy the company of my kids. It's open season on writing when school starts, though!