Good times

Summer is here. What's been going on... Busy! I finished my new novel in three weeks. Unbelievable synergy and flow.
My oldest son has shot past me in height and is conquering the world one creative and kind act at a time. There is so much to learn from our children. Here he is at scout camp.

Taekwondo is going great--I'm enjoying how we are being taught mixed martial arts. We just spent some time on jujitsu and grappling and now we are back to sparring. I recently got my own punching bag to use at home. Love it!

My beautiful cousin Julia got married to an awesome guy named Matt. (=

Life is good.

Haven't blogged much lately. But I'm having a fabulous summer.

I've posted this before-- but it feels right.


Unknown said…
Happy to hear things are good. Looking forward to reading your book! :) Love ya.
Unknown said…
Happy to hear things are good. Looking forward to reading your book! :) Love ya.
You are doing something more important than blogging: you are living life and appreciating the loved people in your life!

I've missed your posts. Have a great rest of the year!!
Bonnee Crawford said…
Congrats to your friend, and I'm glad to hear the martial arts is going well for you :) My dad is a black belt in taekwondo and teaches a class in my town once a week for the club he is part of. I only got up to blue belt before I dropped out.
David P. King said…
Three weeks? That's sick, but awesome. Congrats to you. Savor the summer. :)