Years in the making...95ers the Movie

My sister and her husband have been working on this micro budget indie for years and it is looking gooood. My hubby was involved with some of the special FX. It is amazing to see what these talented people are pulling off for next to no $$$$. (=

Visit the site 95ers


That was cool! I live near I95 - always knew there was something odd about that freeway.
An extraordinarily well-done trailer. Congrats to all involved! Roland
Susan Fields said…
I'm definitely intrigued - that was great!
Unknown said…
Thanks for posting Jo! You're helping to save the world from timespace paradoxes. Very big news about 95ers coming soon... :)
Anonymous said…
Wow, that looked really great. Hollywood could use some pointers from truly talented people who can produce great work. I hate nothing more than watching a high budget movie with zero entertainment value.
Selim Yeniceri said…
I want to see this movie. ABSOLUTELY!...