What the? And WHY??? LOL

Just a little something to boggle your mind and possibly make you smile...

Have a great day. FREEEEDOM!!!


ELEVEN! hahahaha this was too funny.
Bkloss said…
HA! Thank you for making me laugh. I'm still laughing....
Johanna Garth said…
That was so funny! Just what I needed today.
Sarah Tokeley said…
That second one was brilliant :-)
Lisa Shafer said…
I used to live in Scotland. You have no idea how funny this is. I've never heard a real Scot call the language "Scottish," though. But I've heard many a Scot complain that Americans in particular can't understand them.
(Sigh. Feeling homesick now.....)
TS Hendrik said…
Very hilarious. I just saw two things this week doing a similar Scottish joke. And that just made it funnier.
Susan Fields said…
Too funny - thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the laugh. I needed them. Have a lovely mid-week, Roland
Anonymous said…
Too hilarious. Thanks for the funny. Have a great weekend.
Anonymous said…
That elevator clip was so funny - I feel like that sometimes over the frustration of modern technology, too. Hope you're doing great!