Breaking Benjamin's  Blow Me Away is on the menu for "B" today! A to Z challenge!

What song blows you away?

What band rocks your world?


Don't let the title throw you, but CREEK MARY'S BLOOD by Nightwish really speaks to both the Lakota and the White in me.

Watch the Dane heavy metal band back up the legendary Lakota artist, John Two Hawks ... if only for a few moments.

Wow, I've never heard this song, but it's great! I now have to go download this song. Thanks for the intro! I'm thinking it will go pretty well with my favorite MC :)
TS Hendrik said…
That is a really great song. A friend of mine got me listening to Breaking Benjamin awhile back. Love it.
okay, that is a seriously cool video. I loved that movie.

So, a completely different kind of blown away - Drops of Jupiter by Train.
Or Bring Me Some Water by Melissa Etheridge. Hard to choose.
@Roland-- Very cool. I'm a fan of Robbie Robertson and the Red Road Ensemble-- they are an awesome Native American group.

Glad you guys like the song!

I will check those songs out!
Hey Jo, I'm looking for a posting about your author group's teen conference with guest authors! Can't find, but sounds great. Good for you.
www.writerscubed.com (Under Events)
Love this! Great walking-song. Chasing Cars is one of my favorites.
My Blog
LA Nickers said…
What music blows me away? Most anything by Clapton ... especially the early stuff and the bluesy later tunes.

Great guitar solos.

Happy A to Z!

Linda Ann

I stopped by via the A to Z Challenge for April, and I invite you to visit my blogs at:

NICKERS AND INK – poetry, humor, inspiration and more

PRACTICALLY AT HOME – inspiration, humor and how-tos for family, home and garden, and more

THE MANE POINT – a haven for horse lovers
Snakesmom said…
The perfect song for the scene! Love it. :)
Anonymous said…
I'm lovin Linken Park's "Waiting for the End." It's rockin my world at the moment. Found you through A-Z and yours is the best B post I've read, hands down. Music always wins with me.
Mark and Kiss said…
Barney, the Wiggles, hmmmm.... I think I might need to expand my horizons.