Wordless Wednesday...My little pirates

Link up your Wednesday here:  http://sevenclowncircus.com/


Mark and Kiss said…
Arrgghh matey! Cute, very cute. Nice piercings on Gabe, a little frightening, I've actually seen stuff like that for real.
Unknown said…
Wow. Those piercings are CRayZY!
I have two myself. Never a dull moment eh?
I need to find some eyepatches like that...
The "Pirates" reminded me of my grandson, he used tobe piratemad at one time.Lovely photo's.

Have a nice day.

Candyland said…
Piates rule. Little pirates-even cooler:)
The boys are adorable! I especially like the one with all the rings! LOL
Alexandra said…
Achingly beautiful! What a slice of life!
Write Chick said…
Love it. But I have a thing for pirates anyway. Your boys are awesome at the posing!
Pirates are way cool.
Yes, Alex. It IS.

Thanks for the comments comrades.
Anonymous said…
I want a nose ring like that! And the eye patches are pretty snazzy, too. =>