Wordless Wednesday...My little pirates May 18, 2010 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Link up your Wednesday here: http://sevenclowncircus.com/ Comments Mark and Kiss said… Arrgghh matey! Cute, very cute. Nice piercings on Gabe, a little frightening, I've actually seen stuff like that for real. Unknown said… Wow. Those piercings are CRayZY!Boys. I have two myself. Never a dull moment eh?I need to find some eyepatches like that... RHYTHM AND RHYME said… The "Pirates" reminded me of my grandson, he used tobe piratemad at one time.Lovely photo's.Have a nice day.Yvonne. Candyland said… Piates rule. Little pirates-even cooler:) mary.anne.gruen@gmail.com said… The boys are adorable! I especially like the one with all the rings! LOL Alexandra said… Achingly beautiful! What a slice of life! Write Chick said… Love it. But I have a thing for pirates anyway. Your boys are awesome at the posing! The Urban Cowboy said… Pirates are way cool. Alex J. Cavanaugh said… It's in his nose! Jo Schaffer Layton said… Yes, Alex. It IS.Thanks for the comments comrades. Anonymous said… I want a nose ring like that! And the eye patches are pretty snazzy, too. =>
I have two myself. Never a dull moment eh?
I need to find some eyepatches like that...
Have a nice day.
Thanks for the comments comrades.