
Have you ever felt a direct consequence to an action coming from a seemingly unrelated place? Did you do something nice and then an unconnected piece of good fortune plopped in your lap? Or have you ever acted selfishly and ended up with less than what you started with despite your hoarding attitude?
From the smallest thing to the profound I have seen this happen in life.
I know Karma . . . personally.
 I built an entire YA novel around it. The idea that we are all connected and that our actions will affect everything and everyone around us--even if we don't see the ripple affect and where it goes.
So send out good things. Smile more, share often and always forgive. Because, Karma has a way of biting us in the rear if we are biters or bringing good things to those who live with love.
If you have an example of karma working in your life--good or bad--share it!


Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. I love making new blog friends! :-)
Unknown said…
I swear that hugging people that you KNOW - like co workers, teachers, even cashiers that you see all the time that know your name for NO REASON totally is instant Karma. And I'm not a huggy person.
My friend lives a life of karma, and it always seems to work well for her. I believe this, too--that what you put out tends to come back to you. It's a great message. I'm very curious about your book now :)
NaTahsha Ford said…
Mmmmm...like My Name is Earl? Good principals to live by. PS is that your logo? I LOVE it!
Write Chick said…
I was wondering about your logo too. I love it!
It reminds me of 'The Secret'--what you think and make important is what becomes your life.
Thanks- it actually isn't my logo. My "brand" will be more for my name and not about my book.
Unknown said…
Karma rules! I believe! Awesome graphic! Amazing novel! You're brilliant! (Can you tell I'm looking for some good karma my way?)
Anonymous said…
Jo, I'm speechless. I LOVE the Karma logo. Tell Clark that I'm going to borrow him for ummmm . . . well maybe forever!
HAHA! Thanx but he didn't do this one. I "borrowed" it. Mine are still in the works. (=
Alexandra said…
Makes the world go round...

Anonymous said…
I always have good parking karma. Maybe because I am a good driver?
Candyland said…
I try to do good thing, be a good person, etc. but it doesn't always come back to me:/ Guess that's just life.
Thank you for stopping on my blog.

Thoughts of Karma pop up every now and then in my life when I see something happening to someone that might deserve what's happening to them.

My third child was unplanned, only in that he was on his way when my second child was only 9 months old. My neighbor's husband constantly made remarks such as, "Oh, you're going to need a mini van now." and "You'll have to get two hotel rooms when you travel now since five people is more than the fire code will allow in one room."

And then BAM..Karma struck my neighbor's house. Less than a year later his wife got pregnant with twins shortly after they had their second child. Now he has four kids all age six and under.

I don't know why Karma happens but I hope that I don't get struck by lightening just for recognizing it.
Elana Johnson said…
What a great idea to build a whole novel around this. I should've thought of that...dangitall!
Nykreim said…
I have never thought of it as Karma, but more of a life lesson handed to me, but you could call it Karma. I laugh now, but when my oldest child was a baby in nursery, I was that mom. The mom who had the perfect toddler who never did anything wrong, and when things would happen, like say another child would take a toy, or push him, I was pretty awful. I would think or sometimes even voice, seriously why can't they control there child...or some rediculous thought like that. Well Karma visited to kick me in the but, when I recieved my second child, my now wonderful boy with Aspergers whom I love, right away when he became a literal terror in Nursery and anywhere else we went, I learned right away, never to assume you have a clue about anything!! Karma.
Heidi Jarvis said…
I've experienced "Karma", or casting bread upon the waters, so many times--mostly good, sometimes bad. :) Usually it comes back buttered, unless I fling stale bread--then it comes back moldy.
Reana said…
I know Karma well, and she has sharp teeth :)
We have found that, although it may seem like it at times, no good thing you do is ever really in vain. That is a kind of karma....
Mark and Kiss said…
Karma, totally. You know, I don't mean to be taking the His name in vain, but every time I think of this concept and see the good that happens to others a phrase pops into mind, "God is good". Simple. True. God IS good.