Jump Rope

Everyone has ups and downs. The trick is to not freak out about it but to accept it--yeah, that's right--nobody is so special that they are not on karma's hit list now and then. So don't act  persecuted, surprised or outraged when things, at times, fall apart or go terribly wrong. Life's like a jump rope.

Here we are chillin' with Justin Furstenfeld of Blue October. If you haven't listened to his song Jump Rope--do it. It's an upper. (= Here are the lyrics:

Jump Rope
Remember how you used to say
You couldn't wait till tomorrow for a brand new day
no fuss when ya had to ride the bus
You just add a little blush
To paralyze your school crush
Now you're older and the weight is on your shoulder
Make the world a little colder
No more hidin in the old day
Be strong
Don't you give up hope
It will get hard
Life's like a jump rope
Up down
Up down
Up down
Up down yeah
Cause it will get hard
Remember life's like a jump rope
Up down
Up down
Up down
Up down yeah
It will get hard
Cause it will get hard
There'll be a bump and there will be a bruise
There'll be alarms and there will be a snooze
There'll be a path that you will have to choose
There'll be a win and there will be a lose and
You gotta hold your head up high and
Watch all the negative go by
Don't ever be ashamed to cry
You go ahead
Cause life's like a jump rope
Up down
Up down
Up down
Up down yeah
It will get hard
Remember life's like a jump rope
Up down
Up down
Up down
Up down yeah
It will get hard
Come on
I want to tell you that everything will be okay
That everything will eventually turn itself to gold
So keep pushing through it all
Don't follow, lead the way
Don't lose yourself or your hope
Cause life's like a jump rope
Up down
Up down
Up down
Up down yeah
You stomp your feet so hard you make it pound
Raise the bottom to the top
And now we're never coming down
Up down stomp your feet spin around
Clap hands to the rhythm
Then you slip down
You stomp your feet so hard you make it pound
Raise the bottom to the top
And now we're never coming down
Up down
Up down
Up down
Up down yeah
It will get hard
Remember life's like a jump rope
Up down  ETC... (=


No one is immune from being hurt or things going wrong.....sometime though it keeps rebounding on the same people.

Loved your post.

Unknown said…
Wow, those are such great lyrics, I'll have to give the song a listen sometime! You are absolutely correct...not a one of us is immune!
Candyland said…
I love BO, and Justin is the perfect example of someone who struggles inside his own head, but chooses to think positively.
@WTMWOP- that's true, sometimes the nicest people get the most tribulation

@Trudy- Do it. Great song.(=

@Candy-Totally! He's precious. Bless his lil' broken heart.
Alexandra said…
Just dead on lyrics.
That's all I can say.

Wish I could write like that, but, then, that's why I'm here and not there...(-:
First of all, I am sooo jealous. I love Justin and all of his music; his concerts are amazing.

Secondly, Thank you for posting this today. What a great reminder right before I go to bed; I'm sure to have a much better day tomorrow.
Like Patricia said, thanks for posting this before I collapsed in bed. Tomorrow will be a better day for both of us. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

I see you changed your profile picture. This one is more fun, Roland
Awesome lyrics...and yea, you never really do know what's in store everyday. That's why it's best to party like its 1999...err...2012?
Heidi said…
I thought I recognized him,didn't he do that song about being an alcoholic?
I was just thinking about Karma the other day, wondering how fast it can come an get ya.
Great lyrics- this is one I'm going to have to hunt down- is it on youtube? Great pic too!
Glad you guys like it! You can listen to it here:
Unknown said…
You are way too cool for your own britches!
Mark and Kiss said…
Oooh I needed that!

Here is an entertaining version:

Karma's hit list. Yeah, been there, but now I'll keep my jumprope handy. :D
I've left you an award or two on my blog. No strings, just to say I appreciate meeting you.
Lola Sharp said…
I'm a fan of BO, and Justin. I love how honest he is about his struggles. I hope he wins the war, and stays healthy.

I'm new here. *waves* (from Candy's blog)

Happy weekend,
Lydia Kang said…
New here too! Found you from Tricia's blog, I'm a fellow award recipient (geez that sounds so formal)
I like BO too!
Phoenix said…
Such a great point, Jo! (Hi, nice to meet you, by the way!) Life has its ups and downs and it's not for us to sit around and whine that it's not always going our way. I remember being told when I was younger that what's not important is the fall...it's the bounce right back up :)

And your kids? Are so freakin' adorable, by the way!

PS Justin is really rocking that eyeliner, isn't he?!